For more information regarding Invacare products, parts, and services, please visit www.invacare.com
NOTE:CheckALLpart sforshippingdamage. Ifshippingdamageisnoted,DONOT use.Contactcarrier/dealerforfurtherinstruction.
• DO NOT use this product or any available optional equipment without first completely reading and
understanding these instructions and any additional instructional material such as owner’s manuals, service
manuals or instruction sheets supplied with this product or optional equipment. If you are unable to
understand the warnings, cautions or instructions, contact a healthcare professional, dealer or technical
personnel before attempting to use this equipment - otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
• Each individual should ALWAYS consult with their physician or therapist to determine proper adjustment
and usage.
• DO NOT use the rollator as a wheelchair or transport device. Rollators are not intended to be propelled
while seated.
• The brakes MUST be in the locked position before using the seat.
• A physical/occupational therapist should assist in the height adjustment of the rollator for maximum
support and correct brake activation.
• Care should be taken to ensure that all hand and height adjustments are secure, and that casters and
moving objects are in good working order before using this or any mobility aid.
• All wheels MUST be in contact with the floor at all times during use. This will ensure the rollator is properly
• When using the rollator in a stationary position, the hand brakes MUST be locked.
• ALWAYS observe the weight limit on the labeling of your product. Check that all labels are present and
legible. Replace if necessary.
• If push handles are exposed to extreme temperature (above 100°F or below 32°F), high humidity and/or
becomes wet, prior to use, ensure handgrips DO NOT twist on rollator handle - otherwise damage or injury
may occur.
• ALWAYS test to see that the rollator and attachments are properly and securely locked in the open
position BEFORE using.
• After installation and before use, ensure that all attaching hardware is securely tightened.
• DO NOT attempt to reach objects if you have to move forward in the seat. Reaching for these objects will cause a
change to the weight distribution of the rollator and may cause the rollator to tip, resulting in injury or damage.
• DO NOT hang anything from the frame of the rollator. Items should be placed in the basket or the tote bag.
• The rollator basket has a weight limitation of 11 lbs (5 kg). The tote bag has a weight limitation of 10 lbs (5
kg). Items placed in either the basket or the bag should NOT protrude from the basket or bag.
• The backrest should ALWAYS be in place and is NOT designed to support the total body weight of the user.
• Before attempting to reach objects or pick them up from the floor by reaching down between your knees,
place feet securely on the floor. Use EXTREME caution when reaching for any object.
Patient Height Specifications
Care and Maintenance
1. Verifyoperationofthebrakesandhavethemadjustedifnecessary.ContactyourInvacaredealerforbrake
2. Ifhandgripisloose,DONOTuse.ContactyourInvacaredealer.
3. Inspectwheelsperiodicallyforwearordamage.
4. Replaceanybroken,damagedorwornitemsimmediately.
5. Forthebestservicefromyourrollator,alwaysuse
6. Periodicallyinspectthecastersandcasterstemsforassemblytightnessandverifythatthewheelsarefreeofhair,
Attaching Basket, Tote Bag and Tray
Tote Bag
Assembly, Installation and Operating Instructions
65851R 5'6" - 6'3"
65410 5'3" - 6'
65450 5'3" - 6'5"
65650 & 65650R 5'5" - 6'2"
65750 5'4" - 6'1"
65850 & 65850B 5'11" - 6'6"
65350GR 5'1" - 5'6"