T10043 38" Lawn Sweeper
Every two years, the ratchet assemblies in each
wheel should be cleaned and greased.
When performing this procedure, take
notes on the position of all washers, spacers,
and retaining rings.
Work on one side at a time to
avoid mixing directional components.
To grease the ratchet assemblies:
1. Remove the dust cover, wheel nut, and
washer, as described in Step 2 of
Lubricate the Bushings", then remove the
wheel (Figure 23
Figure 23. Wheel removed.
Ratchet Gear
To prevent excessive wear, periodically lubricate
the brush shaft bushings, the wheel bushings,
and grease the ratchet assemblies in each wheel
To lubricate the bushings:
1. Tilt the sweeper onto its side and apply a few
drops of light oil to the brush shaft, as shown
in Figure 20.
Figure 20 Brush shaft bushing lubrication.
Apply Oil Here
Brush Shaft
2. With the sweeper still on its side, remove
the dust cap on the exposed wheel, then
remove the wheel nut and washer, as shown
in Figure 21.
Figure 22. Wheel nut removal.
3. Apply a few drops of light oil to the wheel
bushings, as shown in Figure 22, and spin
the wheel to distribute the oil. Replace the
washer, wheel nut, and the dust cap. Flip
the sweeper on to the other side and repeat
Steps 1-3 for the other bushings.
Figure 21. Wheel nut removal.
Wheel Nut
Dust Cap
Apply Oil Here
Brush Shaft