Fluke 196C/199C
Users Manual
Amperes (AMP)
With Optional Current Probe or Current Shunt
Ranges.............................same as VDC, VAC, VAC+DC
Probe Sensitivity.................100 µV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A,
100 mV/A, 1 V/A, 10 V/A, and 100 V/A
Accuracy..........................same as VDC, VAC, VAC+DC
(add current probe or current shunt accuracy)
TrendPlot (Meter or Scope)
Chart recorder that plots a graph of min and max values
of Meter or Scope measurements over time.
Measurement Speed.................... > 2.5 measurements/s
Time/Div......................................... 10 s/div to 20 min/div
Record Size ..................................13500 points per input
Recorded Time Span.............................90 min to 8 days
Time Reference .....................time from start, time of day
Scope Record
Records scope waveforms in deep memory while
displaying the waveform in Roll mode.
Source......................................................Input A, Input B
Max. Sample Speed (10 ms/div to 1 min/div)......20 MS/s
Glitch capture (10 ms/div to 1 min/div).................... 50 ns
Time/Div in normal mode ...............10 ms/div to 2 min/div
Record Size...................................27500 points per input
Recorded Time Span ............................. 11 s to 30 hours
Acquisition Modes...................................... Single Sweep
Continuous Roll
External Triggering
Time Reference..................... time from start, time of day