Questions? Get answers 24/7 at
att.com/uversesupport, or
Live Chat with an AT&T representative!
AT&T U-verse Voice, including 911 dialing, will not function during a power outage without battery backup power.
1 Caller ID on TV requires subscription to U-verse TV and U-verse Voice
2 Standard data usage and messaging charges may apply.
3 Call History cannot be manually deleted, but will be automatically deleted after 60 days, or after reaching the
100 call maximum. Outgoing calls are only viewable online.
ATT82000603-9 (3/15)
Need more help?
Visit att.com/uversevoicemail for more information
on setting up and customizing your voicemail.
Click or Live Chat online: att.com/uversesupport
Call: 1.800.288.2020 (and say “U-verse Technical Support”)
¿Habla español?
Por favor visite att.com/uverseguias para ver la informacion en español.
También pueden ver la guía: ATT82000603-9 (Voice User Guide) para
más detalles.
Alternate formats now available in Large Print or Braille. Call 1.800.288.2020
and request your Voice User Guide (ATT82000603-9) in an alternate format.
Additional accessibility support:
• Special Needs Equipment:
– Phone: 1.877.902.6350
– TTY: 1.800.772.2889
• Repair Center:
– Phone: 1.800.246.8464
– TTY: 1.800.397.3172
• Accessible Tagged PDF: Visit att.com/userguides
• Device Compatibility Feature: TTY
UVE671_VOIP_User_Guide_ReleaseUVE671_VOIP_User_Guide_Release UVE671_VOIP_User_Guide_Release
Dial from your phone
Make calls over AT&T’s managed IP network directly from your existing
touch-tone home phone.
NATIONWIDE CALLING: Dial 1 + area code + 7-digit phone number
INTERNATIONAL CALLS: Dial 011 + country code + 7-digit phone number
Dial from the Web
Call from your online Address Book or Call History
, which
shows a list of up to 100 of your most recent calls sorted
by date and time.
1. Go to att.com/myatt
2. Log in with your U-verse email address and password.
3. Click on HOME PHONE and then MANAGE FEATURES.
4. Enter a number to dial or select a number from your CALL
5. Specify whether you’d like to activate/deactivate Caller ID
Blocking and Call Waiting for the call.
6. Click CALL.
7. When your home phone rings, pick it up to place your call.
To find numbers in the Call History, you can also sort numbers by
missed, answered, outgoing, name, type, or length of call.
Dial from your TV
With U-verse Voice and U-verse TV, you can view a list of up to 100
of your most recent incoming calls sorted by date and time on your
TV screen. Use your U-verse TV remote to tune to your Call History
and return calls with the press of a button.
1. Tune to CHANNEL 9900 using your U-verse TV remote.
2. Select a U-verse Voice phone number onscreen.
3. Press OK to view a log of answered and missed calls. You can
sort by name, date, and phone number.
4. Scroll using the ARROWS.
5. Select a number and press OK to return a call.
6. Select CALL and press OK.
7. Your home phone will ring. Pick up the phone to place the call.
Vo i c e
user guide
user guide
• How to make calls by phone or Click to Call
• How to manage Phone Features
• How to manage or change Voicemail Settings
• Need more help?
Make calls
by phone or
Click to Call.
With U-verse Voice
phone service, you
have more calling
freedom and control
than ever.