
www.adc.com • +1-952-938-8080 • 1-800-366-3891
Spec Sheet
GSM Network-In-A-Box
ADC's GSM Network-In-A-Box (NIB) combines GSM MSC, Base Station Controller and Base
Transceiver Station in a single box. It provides the smallest and lowest entry point into the
GSM wireless space. ADC's MSC, BSC and BTS work hand-in-hand to reduce the total cost of
network ownership, providing a network growth path for existing and future customers. ADC's
GSM products provide a compact and cost-effective platform, which help lower the cost of
network ownership.
Compact integrated MSC, BSC and BTS•
Call forwarding (conditional, unconditional), call waiting, call hold, call transfer•
Generates GSM & ASN.1 compliant CDR records•
Available in 850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz frequency bands•
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) support•
Dynamic power control (uplink and downlink)•
Built in IN Prepaid, SMSC, AuC and EIR •
External alarms for third party equipment are also supported•
Common hardware modules with UltraWAVE X100, BTS and BS Plus products•
Integrated full rack solution available: UltraWAVE NIB integrated with additional on-site •
equipment such as transmission, battery backup, etc. in one rack